Clem Aeppli
PhD Student, Harvard University Department of Sociology
I study how the organization of work affects inequality and instability.
My projects have dealt with widening disparities between workplaces, payroll instability at subcontractors, and between-group variance decompositions.
I work mostly with American and French administrative data
both contemporary and historical
and am interested in the methods we use to understand economic and social life.
my CV.
Research & publications
- Firm Segregation and the Structure of American Racial Earnings Inequality. In progress.
- Fissuring, organizational rigidity, and employment instability. In progress.
Thompson Graduate Student Paper Award of the Organizations, Occupations, and Work ASA section, 2024
- Adjusting for covariates in variance decompositions. In progress.
- Industrial modernization and racial economic inequality in the early 20th century. In progress.
- Rapid Wage Growth at the Bottom Has Offset Rising US Inequality (with Nathan Wilmers).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022.
- Consolidated Advantage: The New Organizational Dynamics of Wage Inequality (with Nathan Wilmers).
American Sociological Review, 2021: 1100-1130.
Code + data
Significant Scholarship Award of RC28 of the International Sociological Association, 2023
Other links
- Here are some scripts to download and clean years 1966-1993 of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission data (EEO-1) from the National Archives.
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website template.